Page 49 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 49
Activity 36
• If everything has gone well
in the previous activities,
writing the final version should
take a short amount of time.
However, mishaps may happen
(especially if your students have
lost some learning evidence),
so try to schedule this activity so
that they have the most
time possible.
• As seen in other practices, you
could use a “chain-production
strategy”. That is to have
students improve each other’s
texts, while other students
are in charge of the material
details (for example, binding
the album), others create
tables of contents and finally
some do a final verification to
check everything is complete.
That way, your students
contribute toward everyone’s
Activity 37
• Help students come up with a
date and time to present the
emotionaries and arrange the
space, so the audience
is comfortable.
• This could be a space to
encourage interactions in English if students are able to ask the audience what they think of the poems and
if they have feedback given in English.
• If you can donate the emotionaries to the school library, it would be a good idea to have them in a
temporary exhibition in the library, so other students can read the texts, rather than just shelving
them away.
• Photos and other mementos (such as a flyer for the invitation) are other chances to widen your students’
use of English. For instance, they could write an article for the school newspaper chronicling the event.
48 Teacher’s Book / Practice 2