Page 160 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 160
15. Reread the answers to the questions from the previous activity
and do the following:
• Identify the main ideas and think about your point of view about each one. session 5
• Write them down in a chart in your notebook.
• Record the reference to the source you used. Look at the example.
Answers Main idea My point of view
“The right to education is one of the key The lack of education is It is unfair that not
principles underpinning the Education 2030 due to social, cultural and everyone has access to
Agenda and Sustainable Development Goal 4 economic factors. education, because it is Main ideas and points of view
(SDG4) adopted by the international community. The lack of education is a human right and not a
SDG 4 is rights-based and seeks to ensure due to social, cultural and favor.
the full enjoyment of the right to education as economic factors.
fundamental to achieving sustainable development.
Yet millions of children and adults remain deprived
of educational opportunities, many as a result of
social, cultural and economic factors.”
“In order to do so, there must exist equality There must be equal We all have the right not
of opportunity and universal access. Normative opportunity so everyone only to education but also
instruments of the United Nations and UNESCO can access quality to quality education.
lay down international legal obligations which education.
recognize and develop the right of every person
to enjoy access to education of good quality.”
Studentʼs Book / Practice 9 159