Page 161 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 161

16. Share the points of view you included in the chart and do the following:

                         •  Discuss each point of view and ask some questions.                   broaden (v.):
                         •  Explain why you believe what you do.
                         •  Exchange observations to improve how the points of view are expressed.
                         •  Add information to broaden the points of view. You can also include some
                            examples and explanations. Look at the example.

                        I understand what you meant by
                                                                   Because the government should
                       “education is a right”, but why do you
                                                                   provide education to all, not just to a
                       say it is not a favor?
                                                                   few. It’s an obligation.

                                                              UNESCO says that the government
                         Oh! I get it.                        must make sure that we all have
                                                              access to quality education.

                        I believe you should add that to your        You’re right, thanks!
                        points of view.

                For our round-table

          Notes     17.  Check the points of view you wrote in your notebook.
                        •  Take notes on them and the information that broadens, exemplifies

                           or explains each one.
                         •  Copy your notes onto some cards to use in the round-table.
                         •  Write the topic on each card and number them. Look at the example.

                                                                               Card 1
                                                 Topic: The right to education

           session 6                    Education is a right and not a favor because, as
                                        UNESCO says, it is the government's obligation
                                         to ensure that we all have a quality education.
                                         For this reason, it seems very unfair that not

                                         everyone has an education.

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