Page 169 - @ccess 2 Student´s Book
P. 169
5. Listen to the track one more time and select the expressions
which allow you to understand that they are complaining TRACK 54
about something.
exchange (v.):
• Circle the answer in the chart below.
I want to express inconvenience
I understand. It’s Good afternoon! my unhappiness. inconveniencia
natural that you May I help you? expiration (n.):
are concerned. When I checked
All right, Ms. the expiration date,
If you have any Rider. I’m I found out the pills
other questions, sorry for the they gave me had
feel free to inconvenience. expired almost a
contact us during year ago!
office hours.
6. With your teacher’s help, exchange opinions about the addressee
of the complaint.
(n.): desventaja
• Give arguments to support your answer. Look at the example. although
(conj.): aunque,
a pesar de que
tape (n.):
customer (n.):
To me, the addressee is the
person Lisa is talking to. complains about the expiration
I don’t agree, because Lisa
date of the medicine and it
wasn’t his fault.
• Brainstorm other ways of expressing a complaint. Look at the example.
Modality Pros and cons
One of the disadvantages of talking on the phone is that most
companies play a tape or have an operator, so you can’t speak
On the phone to anyone about the complaint. Although, you don’t have to
commute anywhere.
Yes, that is the downside of complaining in person. However,
In person I would rather go to the customer service department, since
someone will resolve the problem right there.
168 Studentʼs Book / Practice 10