Page 138 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 138

Activity 2

                                                                                 • Provide students with different
                                                                                   types of texts. Have examples
                                                                                   of plays and essays ready
                                                                                   beforehand. You can also
                                                                                   include short stories, novels
                                                                                   and poems.
                                                                                 • Let students explore the texts
                                                                                   and ask them to classify them
                                                                                   according to their genre.
                                                                                 • Discuss what we can find in
                                                                                   each genre. Their answers
                                                                                   should be something similar
                                                                                   to, “Plays, short stories and
                                                                                   novels are works of fiction and
                                                                                   there are characters. Poems are
                                                                                   written in verse, and they are
                                                                                   usually shorter than narrative
                                                                                   texts. Essays are works of
                                                                                   nonfiction, they do not normally
                                                                                   have characters and the topics
                                                                                   are varied.”
                                                                                 • Ask them to do the activity and
                                                                                   check their answers.
                                                                                 • Have them focus on the
                                                                                   statements and reflect on a
                                                                                   general definition for essays.
                                                                                 Activity 3

                                                                                 • Present students with an
                                                                                   example of a comparative chart.
              • Explain that they are going to make a comparative chart to participate in a discussion at the end of the
               practice. The comparative chart will help them remember the main points of the discussion and organize
               their ideas.
              • Elicit the steps involved in making a comparative chart, what they need to do, the materials they are going
               to use, etc. Involve students in the planning of the product.
              • Have students read the essay and answer any questions they may have. Bring some pictures of a British tea
               set and make some tea following Orwell’s recipe, so students can try it.

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