Page 157 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 157
Practice 9
Activity 1
rack 49 • Tell students what they are
going to do in this practice.
• Ask them if they know what
T a round table is, if they have
participated in one before, what
common topics are usually
discussed, etc.
• Play the track once and elicit
what it is about, how many
participants there are, what they
are talking about, where the
conversation takes place, what
the purpose is, etc.
• Ask students to read the
questions in their book and play
the track one more time.
• Some answers for the questions
might be: a. Yes, in certain
cases, it is necessary to
defend myself. b. Her source
is a human rights activist. It is
reliable, because she should
read and know about the cause
she defends. c. I think it can be a human right, because it has to do with life and self-preservation.
d. Some of them have doubts. I agree with Ana, because as I said life is the supreme human right.
• Go to Track 60 and use the visual resources to support your teaching strategies.
Activity 2
• Ask students why civic and ethical topics are suited for a round table discussion.
• Encourage them to brainstorm a few and write them on the board. Provide a couple of examples.
• Organize the topics into categories; there might be a few that are similar.
• Tell them to pick the three they prefer and to give reasons why they chose them. Go through the examples
in the chart with them.
• Encourage students to share their options and decide a topic to discuss in the round table as a class.
• Remind them to select a topic that is relevant today and is important to most students.
• The CD icon will appear throughout the practice to indicate the activity the track is linked to. However,
remember the way we order activities is a suggestion and you may change them to suit the purposes you
established with your students.
156 Teacher’s Book / Practice 9