Page 158 - @ccess 2 Teacher´s Book
P. 158
Activity 3
• Make sure students identify the
three stages of the study plan
and that they understand each
activity to be done.
• Ask a student to read the tasks
out loud so they can understand
the activities they will complete
in order to have a round table
• Don’t forget to go back to the
chart to tick each activity as
soon as you complete it.
Activity 4
• Go through the chart with
students and read the example. T
• Play the track once.
• Play the track one more time rack 50
and allow some time for
students to complete the activity.
You can pause the track briefly
to give students time to choose
their answer.
• Check the answers with students
and ask them why they selected
each option.
• The CD icon will appear
throughout the practice to
indicate the activity the track is
linked to. However, remember
the way we order activities is a
suggestion and you may change
them to suit the purposes you
established with your students.
Teacher’s Book / Practice 9 157