Page 146 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 146

Activity 1 (continues)
                                                                                 •  Allow some time for students to
                                                                                    answer the question.             T
                                                                                 •  Remind them to think about
                                                                                    at least two different points   rack 58
                                                                                    of view that make the topic
                                                                                    controversial. If there is nothing
                                                                                    to discuss, the debate will not
                                                                                    take place.
                                                                                 Activity 2
                                                                                 •  Play the track and tell students
                                                                                    to read the transcript in the
                                                                                    Student’s Book.
                                                                                 •  Go through the examples with
                                                                                    them and elicit the purpose
                                                                                    of the circled and underlined
                                                                                    expressions. Their answers may
                                                                                    vary, but they should be able
                                                                                    to recognize that the question
                                                                                    invites another person to
                                                                                    participate in the conversation
                                                                                    and that their answer
                                                                                    should complement the
                                                                                    previous comment.

                                                                                 •  Allow some time for students to
                                                                                    complete the activity.

                                                                                 •  Ask them to compare their
                                                                                    answers for Activity 1.

                                                                                 •  Encourage them to discuss
                                                                                    which topic would be best for

                  their debate, and to use the track they just listened to as an example.
              •   There are no correct answers as such, only different ways of perceiving certain subjects.

              •   Ask students to form teams for the debate. They will work together throughout this practice.
              •   Tell them to use the expressions they circled and underlined in the conversation while commenting on
                  others’ proposals, or to use something similar.
              •   Remind them that there are no correct answers, only different ways of perceiving certain subjects.
              •   The CD icon will appear throughout the practice to indicate the activity the track is linked to. However,
                  remember the way we order activities is a suggestion and you may change them to suit the purposes
                  you established with your students.

                                                                                        Teacher’s Book  /  Practice 9  145
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