Page 147 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 147

Activity 3
              • Make sure students identify the
               three stages of the study plan
               and that they understand each
               activity to be completed.
              • Ask a student to read the tasks
               out loud so they can understand
               the activities they will complete
               in order to write their
               agreements and disagreements
               to participate in a debate about
               fine arts.
              • Elicit the steps needed to
               participate in a debate, what
               they need to do, and the
               sequence of steps.
              • Involve them in the planning
               of the product and decide,
               with students, what to do first,
               second, and so on.

              • Encourage students to look for
               sources of information about the
               topic they selected. There are
               plenty of resources online.

              • Remind students of the
               importance of doing research
               including at least two different
               points of view, since even
               though they will establish a
               position later on, they should
               consider ideas against it to write
              • RB Box can either extend the current practice or provide material for developing it. If you have enough
               material, take time during the practice to go through the Reader’s Book to foster curiosity and improve
               reading skills.
              Activity 4
              • Go through the example and answer any questions that may arise.
              • Elicit the importance of determining these details before starting to work on the agreements and
               disagreements for their debate. Their answers may vary, but they should be able to tell you that the topic
               will delimit the type of information they will look for and the subject they will discuss. Students should
               narrow down the topic of the debate and establish a clear objective. The possible addressees will help
               students think about the type of audience they want and the type of language they will use.

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