Page 151 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 151
Activity 8
• Elicit how the issues are related
to the previous articles. Their
answers may vary, but they
should be able to recognize
that they are all about the same
topic: computer music.
• Allow time for students to
complete the activity.
• Encourage them to reread the
reliable sources they selected
before and choose some issues
from them.
• Monitor and provide help if
• Elicit the issues that are relevant
to their debate and why they
are so.
• Ask them if they could answer
their proposed questions with
information from the texts they
have. They should be able to
respond affirmatively, or say that
they need to look for a bit more
Activity 9
• Go through the instructions with
students and make sure they
understand what is expected
from them.
• Read the example with students and play the track. You could also play the track once so they can listen
to the conversation and then replay it in order for them to complete the activity. You know the way that will
best suit your class.
• Encourage students to check their answers and to discuss how they were able to decide which issues to
cross off. Their answers may vary, but they should be able to tell you that they found the clues in what the
rack 60 • Elicit if they agree with the conversation and if the interlocutors were right to delete those issues.
interlocutors were saying.
T • Encourage them to check the issues they wrote in Activity 8 and to determine which they should keep and
which are redundant. They could also merge two or three into one general issue.
• Remind them to support their opinions with evidence.
Translate icon / Additional definitions: displace (v.): desplazar (sustituir, reemplazar)
150 Teacher’s Book / Practice 9