Page 157 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 157

Activity 16 (continues)
              • Elicit how they were able to
               answer the previous question.
               They should be able to
          rack 62  the underlined parts of the
               support their answers with

           T  • Encourage them to compose
               a conclusion regarding the
               topic of computer music. Their
               answers may vary, but they
               should reach a conclusion
               similar to the one provided as
               an answer in this book.
              • Tell students to determine if
               the information they have at the
               moment satisfies them.
              • Remind them to go back and
               check everything they have
               done, so they can reach a
               reliable conclusion.
              Activity 17
              • Go through the example with
               students and show them how to
               make cards with information for
               their debate.
              • Emphasize the importance of
               writing all the details of the
               references and tell them they
               should always do it, so they do
               not plagiarize.
              • Read the REMEMBER with them and provide some examples. If you have access to a computer, you can
               check the guide about how to reference using the APA system online. The link provided covers all types of
              • Allow some time for students to make their cards.
              • Encourage them to check if they have all the information needed several times, as well as all the publishing
               data for the reference. It easier to have all the information at hand and to not need to go back to the
               original source, as it takes time away from future steps of the product.

                   Translate icon / Additional definitions: stuff (n.): cosas (material, meter)

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