Page 155 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 155
Activity 13 (continues)
• Go through the REMEMBER
with them and provide some
• Encourage your students to
recognize the subtle differences
between British and American
variants, for instance, the usage
of irregular verbs.
Activity 14
• Go through the example and
elicit what students think of both
comments. Their answers may
vary, but they should respond
in the same way as the
example provided.
• Allow some time for them to
read the extract of the online
forum in their Reader’s Book
and to take some notes to
highlight the clues that let them
identify the opinions in favor of
or against computer music.
• Monitor and provide help if
necessary. You could also have
a couple of dictionaries at
hand for students to look up
any words they don’t know the
meaning of.
• Start a discussion about how
they inferred if the participants
in the forum were in favor of or against the topic.
• Remind them to use the notes they took earlier and to support their answers with evidence from the text.
154 Teacher’s Book / Practice 9