Page 159 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 159
Activity 19 (continues)
• Go through the example with
them and ask them if they agree
with it. They should not focus
on the way the information is
organized, but on the fact that
each paragraph describes an
aspect of the issue.
• Remind students that they do
not need to copy the complete
reference from the card, but
they should use citations from
the text.
• Read the REMEMBER with them
and provide other examples.
• Allow some time for students to
complete the activity.
Activity 20
• Play the track and tell students
to go back to Activity 19 and
number the paragraphs in the
order specified on the track.
You could also play the track
rack 63 once so they can listen to the
conversation and then replay it
T in order for them to complete
the activity. You know the way
that will best suit your class.
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158 Teacher’s Book / Practice 9