Page 154 - @ccess 3 Teacher´s Book
P. 154
Activity 12
• Go through the example with
students and elicit the ideas
in favor of computer music
presented in the text and the
ones that are against it. Their
answers may vary, but they
should be able to tell you that
one idea in favor is the fact that
music evolves and has been
changing since the moment it
was invented, so it is natural to
have new instruments creating
music. An example of an
idea against is that electronic
musicians do not compose or
perform with other musicians,
as they are able to make all the
sounds by themselves.
• Allow some time for students to
reread and highlight the texts
they selected before.
• Remind them that not all of
the texts will have different
perspectives on the subject,
but make sure they find ideas
in favor and against in all the
sources they have at hand. If
they can’t, encourage them to
do some more research to have
a few ideas that provide an
objective point of view.
Activity 13
• Go through the example with students and ask them where the ideas came from. You could also have them
find them in the previous texts.
• Ask them if they can think of other ideas in favor of or against that could be on the chart.
• Allow some time for them to classify the ideas they highlighted before and the arguments in favor of or
against. It doesn’t matter if any are repeated, for now they should all be in one place, as students will have
time to work with them later.
Teacher’s Book / Practice 9 153